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Water Of Life

Published Date: May 28, 2013

It goes without saying that water is the substance of all life, and the most precious commodity on earth. Water is key for our own nourishment, the food we eat, our atmosphere, and even transportation. What water is not for is our lawns!

Each day, approximately 9 billion gallons of water are used for residential landscape irrigation. That is an amazing amount of water on seasonal aesthetics for lawns and flower gardens. And as our climate gets hotter and water resources change due to environmental influences, it's time to rethink how we use this precious resource.

Being green is important to System Pavers for many reasons. We respect our earth and value our resources. And we love the color green when it comes to landscaping and yards, just like we all do. In order to have it all, we use top-quality, eco-friendly synthetic turf that is as natural in its feel and look as water-consuming grass lawns. This allows us to provide homeowners the beautiful look of vibrant green, soft lawns all year round without taxing our earth's precious water reserves.

kids on swingset

While each home's use of outdoor water might be a drop in the bucket compared to the daily 9 billions used nationwide, it all adds up. According to the EPA, the average American family uses 300 gallons of water a day and about 30% of that is for outdoor uses such as lawns and gardens, totaling close to 100 gallons. By switching to turf, you can potentially reduce your water consumption by 100 gallons per day. And imagine, if only half your neighborhood did the same thing, the impact on water supplies would be tremendous.

It's not hard to see that every drop counts toward our quality of life, and with synthetic turf four our lawn and garden areas, you not only preserve water supplies, you get a huge added benefit: a maintenance free lawn that allows you to spend time doing your favorite "fun" things while your neighbors labor over their hot mowers several hours each week. 

kid on swing

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