System Pavers Ranked 6th by REMODELING Magazine
SANTA ANA, Calif. – June 4, 2018 – System Pavers ranks 6th on the 2018 REMODELING 550 list of the nation’s biggest specialty remodelers.
The REMODELING 550 brings together the nation’s 550 biggest full-service remodelers, replacement contractors/home improvement firms, insurance restoration firms, and franchisors. Because the full-service and replacement firms operate so differently, the REMODELING 550 lists, and ranks, them separately.
“We are honored to receive this distinction. With over 100,000 remodeling firms considered for the REMODELING 550 List, System Pavers is humbled to be among the top 10 specialty remodelers in the nation.” Stated Ila Barot-Oldakowski, VP of Marketing for System Pavers.

The top 300 full-service firms and 150 biggest replacement contractors on this year’s REMODELING 550 collectively did nearly 635,000 remodeling projects worth $5.54 billion. Metrostudy’s reports indicate that this works out to about 5.3% of all big-ticket remodeling projects (i.e. jobs worth $1,000 and above) and 3% of all spending.
REMODELING, published by Hanley Wood, is the leading publication in the home improvement industry. REMODELING has and continues to be the indispensable tool that remodelers cannot do without—delivering the business know-how, product and technical information that home improvement pros need to help make smart decisions that will shape their success.
All 550 firms can be found online at There you can sort and filter the data, which includes information on the company’s location, 2017 revenues, number of projects, and average job size. The website also includes numerous charts and profiles that illuminate details regarding the group.
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Published Date: May 31, 2018