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See How Pavers Compare To Other Materials

Pavers vs Flagstone

While flagstone is an eye-catching and often desired material, it doesn't compare to the quality, durability, and functionality paving stones offer. From performing better in harsh weather climates to offering more options for personalization, explore the many ways paving stones are a superior choice to flagstone.

Let's Compare

How paving stones stack up to alternate hardscape options such as flagstone:



Picture Pavers


Choose a material that won’t crack or crumble even after years of heavy use, including parking cars or RVs.

Flakes, cracks, and deteriorates over time.
Designed to handle up to 8,000 PSI. Won't crack or discolor despite weather.


When you make an investment in your property, you want it to add lasting value and beauty to your home.

Because flagstone is a natural product, it is almost never backed by a warranty.
System Pavers backs every paver project we complete with a 25-year workmanship warranty


Accent your home’s look by choosing materials available in a wide variety of shapes and colors.

Naturally occurring material that cannot be customized. Very limited color selection.
Completely customizable. Vast array of colors, styles, shapes, and sizes available.

Curb Appeal

Enhance the value of your home while creating an outdoor space that impresses from every angle.

Detracts from your home’s curb appeal as soon as it begins to show wear, which happens quickly.
Retains a like-new appearance for years to improve value.





Stamped Concrete

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