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How To Create An Eco-Friendly Landscape

Published Date: Sep 29, 2015

Living in a climate where droughts occur can be tough on your landscape. Watching your grass turn brown and your plants shrivel up is never fun, but watering it too often is a waste of a valuable resource-water. To avoid using extra resources on your lawn, try promoting eco-friendly landscaping to benefit the environment as well as the aesthetics of your yard. Install artificial grass Chances are, your yard took on a brown and withered look a long time ago, so take a step toward revitalizing it, and have turf installed. This alternative is eco-friendly and requires a lot less upkeep than natural grass. For instance, one of the biggest reasons to use synthetic turf is that you don't have to water it. This is particularly important in areas where water is scarce. The reduction of chemical use is another environmental benefit of artificial turf. When you think about it, how often have you used weed and pest killers to keep your lawn blemish-free? Not only are these products bad for the environment, but they can potentially be harmful to your family as well. With artificial turf, you don't have to risk using these items on your lawn because no weeds will grow, and since it's artificial, you won't have to spread fertilizer to keep it looking green. This brings us to another good point about artificial grass: You don't have to mow it. Because the grass blades are synthetic, they aren't going to get any taller. This means you can retire the lawnmower and reduce your fuel use throughout the year.

outdoor lighting

Integrate smart lighting designs Pathway and pergola lights are wonderful ways to illuminate the backyard after dark, but they can also use a lot of energy. You want your outdoor lighting design to look good but still have a positive impact on the environment. Make this possible by investing in energy-efficient lighting elements. Economical illumination will use less electricity and also provide you with longer-lasting bulbs.

A few options to consider are LED lighting features and solar-powered lights. Implementing devices that harness natural energy, like sun rays, is an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint while still creating a welcoming landscape design.

gardening basil

Plant strategically Other than providing a wonderful addition to the scenery, trees can help cool the surrounding space. Try positioning trees around your yard to help shade your home and slightly reduce the temperature. The protection the trees offer can also help lower energy usage.

Growing your own garden and starting a compost pile are two other ways to have an eco-friendly landscape. By raising your own produce, you're minimizing the amount spent at the grocery store. A compost pile is also an excellent way to repurpose fruit and vegetable skins, paper waste and other products around the house and yard. The soil created by your compost will also serve as a natural fertilizer for your garden, so you can continue to keep unhealthy chemical sprays away from your yard.

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