Color In The Garden With Low Water Plants!
Published Date: Oct 1, 2014
Leonardo da Vinci once said, “Water is the driving force of all nature.” However with the drought that California has been experiencing you have to wonder how Mother Nature is fairing and might be reluctant to plant in your garden. Even when water is scarce your garden doesn’t have to be without color. There are hundreds of low water plants that would be perfect to help make your garden pop.
The term “low water plants” might make you think of unattractive gravel and cactus gardens, but that is not the case. There are many amazing plants that are available at your local garden center or nursery that require little water and will create a beautiful garden that blooms all year long. When selecting low water plants look for interesting foliage color and shapes. This will create a garden that is captivating and unique.

Photo Credit: Thomas J. Story
Consider planting this “Lewisia cotyoedon – Sunset Strain” in your garden. It has beautiful pink and orange blooms along with evergreen foliage. It reaches a foot high and 10 inches wide. It is a great plant to add to a rock garden but it does require excellent drainage.

Or try adding “Sedum spathulifolium – Cape Blanco” to your ground cover. These tiny blue-green leaves form tight rosettes on a trailing step. This low grower from California makes a great groundcover.